Reflection on Host Types Alpha - subject to change. Two main entry points: * type-reflect reflects on something that implements TypeReference. * reflect (for REPL use) reflects on the class of an instance, or on a class if passed a class Key features: * Exposes the read side of reflection as pure data. Reflecting on a type returns a map with keys :bases, :flags, and :members. * Canonicalizes class names as Clojure symbols. Types can extend to the TypeReference protocol to indicate that they can be unambiguously resolved as a type name. The canonical format requires one non-Java-ish convention: array brackets are <> instead of [] so they can be part of a Clojure symbol. * Pluggable Reflectors for different implementations. The default JavaReflector is good when you have a class in hand, or use the AsmReflector for "hands off" reflection without forcing classes to load. Platform implementers must: * Create an implementation of Reflector. * Create one or more implementations of TypeReference. * def default-reflector to be an instance that satisfies Reflector.