




Available since 1.2 (source)
  • (set-error-handler! a handler-fn)
Sets the error-handler of agent a to handler-fn.  If an action
being run by the agent throws an exception or doesn't pass the
validator fn, handler-fn will be called with two arguments: the
agent and the exception.
2 Examples
(def bond (agent 7))

(defn err-handler-fn [ag ex]
  (println "evil error occured: " ex " and we still have value " @ag))

(set-error-handler! bond err-handler-fn)

;;division by zero:

(send bond (fn [x] (/ x 0)))
=>evil error occured:  #<ArithmeticException java.lang.ArithmeticException: 
=>Divide by zero>  and we still have value  7

(send bond inc)
=>FAILURE ;;Agent is failed, needs restart, but keeps the last OK value


(restart-agent bond 7) ;; or replace 7 with @ag

(send bond inc)
=>#<Agent@88d00c6: 7> ;;because of async update

(deftest t-rstart
  (future (println "running in a thread..."))
  (let [agt (agent 0)

        ; This doesn't work
        h01 (fn [a e]
              (println :10 "agent error found:" )
              (println :11 "restarting agent...")
              (restart-agent a 100)
              (Thread/sleep 100)
              (println :12 "agent restarted, state=" @a))

        ; This works. Need to call restart-agent in a separate thread
        h02 (fn [a e]
              (println :20 "agent error found:" )
                (println :21 "restarting agent...")
                (restart-agent a 200)
                (println :22 "agent restarted, state=" @a))) ;=> 200
    (set-error-handler! agt h02)
    (send agt inc)
    (Thread/sleep 100) (println :01 @agt)  ;=> 1
    (Thread/sleep 100) (send agt #(/ % 0))
    (Thread/sleep 100) (println :02 @agt)  ;=> 200
    (Thread/sleep 100) (send agt inc)
    (Thread/sleep 100) (println :03 @agt)  ;=> 201

; Output
;   running in a thread...
;   :01 1
;   :20 agent error found:
;   :21 restarting agent...
;   :22 agent restarted, state= 200
;   :02 200
;   :03 201
See Also

Creates and returns an agent with an initial value of state and zero or more options (in any order...

Added by hugoduncan

Returns the exception thrown during an asynchronous action of the agent if the agent is failed. R...

Added by hugoduncan

When an agent is failed, changes the agent state to new-state and then un-fails the agent so that ...

Added by Claj
0 Notes
No notes for set-error-handler!